Dear readers,
I am finally making time to write, but I will be brief so that I can do a few things before I crash.
Purim was really fun. we were in Yerushalaim with Ayelet's family. The kids had lots of fun (pictures coming to FaceBook soon). I spent most of the 2 weeks prior manually loading bottles into metal cages as part of the champagne process. It was very very tiring.
After Purim we finally got our car. It is a nice car with just enough room for us. Thank God it works well and gets us around. Now we can continue searching for our community, be it Katzrin or a nearby town.
Pesach was cool. We spent the whole week with family, moving between my parents and sister. We also went potato picking for an organization called Table to Table. The groups picked over 20 tons of potatoes in one day that were distributed to needy families.
Now we're back home and getting into a good routine. Ayelet, Yitzchak and I went for a little tiyul on Friday morning. We walked 10 minutes out of Katzrin and found a lovely nachal (stream) to sit by and drink our coffee. It's so call that we can do that right out are door.
this week we had a dog for 2 days. We took her for a one-week trial.After 2 days we decided that now was not the time to deal with the expense and hassle of a puppy. Netanel was very upset. Next year we plan to get a dog as an afikoman present. Hopefully by then we'll be ready. While playing with the litter of pups Yitzchak was mistaken by the dogs as one of their own. That playfully nipped him on the face. Since then he's been scared of dogs. So we'll need to work on that.
Today at work I translated. We bought some new equipment and I had to explain how to use it to my co-workers. It was cool to be doing something specific.
Other than that, we are very excited for Yom Ha'Atzmaut. The warmer weather also means playing more outside, catch with the kids, and gardening. Ayelet has trimmed the roses and I planted some mint. Lets see how green our thumbs can get. We continue to learn new levels of emuna (faith in God). As we deal with the difficulties of Aliya as well as our own challenges I find myself doing more soul-searching and praying. May it be God's will that we learn our lessons the easy way and experience fewer trials and tribulations.
I'll try to get the post out sooner.
Till then, enjoy.
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