I know it's been a long time since my last post, as usual, but I've been very busy. Ayelet and I have been trying to get more organized. We've been getting everything cleaned up from Shabbat on Saturday night and we've been better about folding clean laundry. This is in large part due to Ayelet's new pastime of downloading movies. This way we have new stuff to watch while we work. We've also started learning together again. This time we are learning The Garden of Emunah. Ayelet is learning the original Hebrew version with some of the other ladies in the community. We figured that given our exhaustion level and usual chavruta time of very-late-at-night the English made more sense. Honestly, I think we've already learned a lot about emunah from first-hand experience. But we've been getting a lot out of the book anyway, even if much of it is just helping us to understand what we learned first-hand. As I've said before, I have been looking for the meaning behind the various trials and tribulations God has been sending us. Maybe learning this will help us see the message.
I have recently wished that Hashem would just send me an email with His message. Let Him spell out the message in simple works on a screen. Then I wondered what His email address would be. obviously it would be God@God.God. But then there may be other addresses. For example, I'd rather get an email from Havaya@God.God than Elokim@God.God. The last address is probably reserved for emails with a subject like "SMITE."
Back to the updates: we have been looking for a car. We found one via a neighbor's cousin who is a car broker. While we work out the details of payment we also need to sort out how to take ownership. We can't buy the car without insurance and we can't get insurance without Israeli driver's licenses. This has been keeping Ayelet busy lately.
We are also looking into how to increase our income. I have been looking for things that I can do and Ayelet has as well. She will soon be launching her massage and beauty business. Stay tuned for further details,
I have been working in bottling since the end of the harvest. Soon I will be returning to the tank farm to refresh on that kind of work in preparation for the upcoming harvest. Also, this will give me the ability to talk to the winemakers more and try to push my way into their department.
Okay, enough for now. I'll write more about the kids after Purim. There should be more to say then. Have a good week.
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