A lot has happened in the past few weeks.
We had some excitement on Yom Yerushalaim. We were at Kikar Tzahal watching the "Rikudgalim," the annual flag parade. I actually slipped away to meet up with up with Ayelet's brother Daniel. Ayelet and our friend Barbara were with the kids and her daughter Leah. At some point they went closer to watch the marchers. The kids climbed on a concrete barrier to see better. Odeliya also climbed up. Ayelet turned to grab her and when she turned back the other 2 kids were on the ground. Netanel was crying, with a nasty bump on his head. Lead seemed fine. A few minutes later the roles were reversed. Netanel was playing and singing and Leah was suffering from hand numbness and memory loss. I met them at Terem (a non-hospital emergency clinic). Three hours later we went home. Thank God, Leah is fine, with maybe a mild concussion for all the trouble.
The next day, Friday, Odeliya and I (since she was awake) went to the Kotel to join in my nephew Eli's hanachat tefillin (putting on tefillin for the first time). It was fun and nice to hang out with family. Meanwhile, Ayelet and Netanel sepnt some quality time together, during which Ayelet discovered Netanel's lice. Thank God Odeliya didn't have it, because that would have been veeery difficult. After much washing and combing we were all clean.
Now on to the better stuff: we finalized our lease and moved to a house. the house is located up in Katzrin, the city of the Golan Heights. It is officially a city, but it is smaller than the entire town of Efrat. You can walk the circumference in under an hour. We moved up last Tuesday to a resounding welcome. We were leant mattresses, chairs, a table, and whatever else we needed. We also had two welcome banners on our door and lots of food. For the past week people have been welcoming us and offerring help. It actually feels more like a yishuv than a city. We have also acquired a refrigerator and a whole bunch of furniture.
I need to thank some people here. There are more, but these are the ones that stand now, as I write this: Yael Atal at the Merkaz Klitah in Jerusalem has worked tirelessly for us, getting us whatever right, benefit, or perk she could. This includes a truck to move us at the Jewish Agency's expense. Nefesh B'Nefesh has been tremendously helpful, particularly Michele, the coordinator of the Go North initiative. Also, here in Qatzrin: Avishai, Shifra, Elazar, Becky, etc, etc, etc. Hakarat Hatov to everyone and to God for helping it all go smoothly (may this PLEASE continue).
I will soon be posting a link to the video tour(s) of our house and first week in Katsrin. Please enjoy and comment.
There is still much to do. But now we have a comfortable place to come home to. There is room to play, couches on which to sit, bathtubs, a kitchen big enough for swinging cats (take that however you want). Now we just need our beds from the port.
The kids are very happy to be here. They love the bath, and the room. Also they have figured out how to run outside to the playground all by themselves. I'm not so happy about this one yet, but what can I do. Netanel is sttling down nicely in gan. the kids here are very sweet, and he is making friends. He is trying hard to learn Hebrew (he is also getting better at reading English) and also trying to roll his "r's" in the Israeli style. Odeliya keeps asking to go to gan too. We are working on something for her, but daycare before gan age is really expensive. Ayelet and I are very busy with all the arranging. She is also building her business (http://www.wholebodybith.com) and settling in for giving birth. I am focusing on finding a job now, while moving slowly on other projects. There is much to do. The taks of finding a comfortable home is done, so on to the next item.
With Hashem's help our Aliyah will continue to progress positively. Stay tuned for more updates on our settlement in Qatsrin.
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Mazal tov on the move!
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