Tomorrow night we will be having a friday night meal in our home. We've spent the past many Shabbatot in many different places, even two in the merkaz klitah. But now we will be home. And it will be really nice.
We are settling in nicely. Netanel is adjusting to gan. He is finishing up the year in the same gan where he will go next year, so that should make it easier. Next week Odeliya will be in some sort of program. We are still working out the details. Pre-gan programs are really expensive. There are many attractions around us, museums, hikes, playgrounds, the pinat chai (mini-zoo). There are lots of things to do with the kids after gan. We are starting to do them.
Today we also went to the edge of the city to see a brush fire. It was cool, but I think they needed more than 2 fire trucks. It seems to be out now, so I guess everything was ok. I was a little nervous since there were 5-6 year old kids climbing up the hill to get a closer look. But I suppose brush fires don't move THAT quickly over dry reeds and stuff. And the smoke will prepare them for smoking, which is still a national pastime. I guess the Israeli attitude of disregarding danger starts very young, so it's ok for the kids to check out the fire unattended. Personally, I would want the children to be a least 7 or 8 before they did that.
I have been meeting lots of people and getting lots of welcomes. Still no job offers. But I also am not so clear what I am looking for. I feel like I'll know it when it comes to me. I just need to be out there doing things to receive that opportunity.
Meanwhile, Ayelet has a home-birth midwife and is preparing for the baby. We are all getting excited for that. She is also working on her business more (speaking of birth). There should be more resources posted and more information coming out soon. Go to to sign up for her newsletter.
Ok, that's enough for now. It's late and I need to get some sleep. Hopefully more will be posted soon, along with the pictures and videos.
Shabbat Shalom,
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