First of all, Tzachi is walking. Video proof of our newest monkey is availabla on FaceBook and Youtube. More is coming.. He can practically fly up the stairs. He loves flipping on the bed and is working on going down stairs backwards. He has figured outhow to use cushions on the floor to get up onto the couch. I guess he feels the need to keep up with his brother and sister.
Now on to the point of this post, Since we moved to Katzerin we have been working to makie things work. My jobhunt was frustrating, with few opportunities presenting themselves and most of those falling through.
Ayelet has also been looking for work she can do while still being a mommy. More about her on her blog,
Ayelet posted to the community lists about an English chug (club). She was trying a new formatg where parents can also stay and would be fitting for a broad age-range. On the Shabbat before the open session many people came to Ayelet to express interest. The Tuesday, the day before the open session, Ayelet got sick and spent the next 2 weeks in bed. The chug was put on hold.
inally, about a month and a half ago things turned. Maybe we learned some of the lessons Hashem had been trying to teach us. Something must have clicked somewhere, because our fortunes changed:
1. Ayelet starting giving massages again. One client looking for regular massages.
2. Ayelet started working for a website in the U.S. She is working closely with a friend of ours that lives here. There is room to grow in the company.
3. My English pad off. The winery got some new equipment and I learned how to use it because the representative was able to train me in English. In May I earned extra money because I had to/got to work extra hours. The nature of the extra hours was at a rate of more than overtime.
4. My profile ont he Virtual Assistant Israel website got noticed. I quickly landed 3 clients.
Now we are working so much that we need to find time for housework. Thank God things have opened up. We are working our new tasks and looking to juggle everything. It's been a learning process, but it's better than trying with no results. With Hashem's help we will acclimate and end up with an easier schedule, enough money to live, and enough energy to enjoy it.
With an eye to a bright future, Shabbat Shalom.
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