I generally daven shacharit at home since getting to a quick minyan early enough is tough. Odeliya frequently wakes up while I'm davening and comes downstairs. She knows that when my talit is over my head I am talking just to Hashem and she needs to wait or go ask Ayelet for whatever she wants (Ayelet is still in bed).
A few times after I finish davening she's asked me "What Hashem said?"
How do you answer that one?
Labriut and Yich.
The other day Odeliya sneezed, so I said "Livriyut." She said, "No, you say `livriyut' when I
, not shen I sneezed. So I explained that you wish someone `livriyut' on several occasions. After my explanation we did a few practice runs. "If Abba sneezes you say..." And Odeliya responded, "I saw `livriyut'."
Me: "Good. And if Abba coughs you say..."
Odeliya: "I saw `livriyut'."
Me: "Good. And if mommy sneezes, you say..."
Odeliya: "I saw `livriyut'."
Me: "Good. And if Tzachi chesses you say..."
Odeliya: "I say `Iiiiiiich"
'Nuff said on that one.
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