Okay, I'm more rested now. I am taking off another day from work to sort out a few things. Hopefully the paperwork and bureaucracy will be as painless as our physical conditions.
After the accident we were transported to HaEmek Hospital in Afula. Ayelet and Tzachi went in one ambulance I went in another with the two big kids. The military ambulance was released. I managed to grab my backpack with phone chargers, my tefillin, and Tani's backpack with toys. Also I took the kids' shoes. The ride to the hospital was long due to bad weather (Baruch Hashem) and traffic. Netanel chose to hold it in rather than pee on the side of the rain. He was nervous to be in the ambulance. I assured him that the driver was driving safely and that it always feels bumpier in the back. As the driver and I started schmoozing (the other EMT left to go to a family party) I realized that Netanel understood the whole conversation. In the hospital he told the story in Hebrew to every doctor and nurse that asked. Odeliya was nervous too. Her carseat was strapped to the stretcher. I have to admit that I was back in rare form keeping her laughing until she fell asleep.
At the hospital the pediatrician did a very thorough exam on the kids. Tani was sent for an ENT exam because he scratched his nose. The nose is fine. Ayelet was x-rayed for her neck and me for my back.
Israeli healthcare is a mystery. The staff seems to really care about their patients. Yet they require patients with back pain due to trauma to WALK unattended to their x-ray and back. Apparently this is due to being short-staffed. The nurses took care of us, brought us food, and let us stay in the ER until my brother came to pick us up. This was despite the kids running amok around the hospital. they were being very cute, just over-energetic for 11:00 at night.
Tzippy from Nefesh B'Nefesh, and her husband came to help us out. He is a doctor and really helped us navigate the system. They also called the police for us and helped us figure out the rest of the process.
We had a few leads about what to do for the night, but in the end by brother picked us up and brought us back to Efrat. On Friday my brother-in-law took Ayelet to Ariel to file the police report and empty the car (it seemed that only the driver had to file a report). On Friday it was revelaed that I also need to make a statement. More on these developments later. They also got everything from the car, including our camera, which was safe and dry in the tow park's office. My teudat zehut (ID card) and a bag of junk food were missing.
Now on to something deeper...
Why did this happen? Why did our car fly off the road and flip over? Why did we miss the Bacon Chanuka party and need receive all this mess to deal with? We have enouogh going on? That said, it did happen. Since it happened, why did we survive? We walked away with barely a scratch. There is a big lesson here. What are supposed to learn from this.
One lesson is obviously to appreciate every second of life. We need to enjoy living, our children, etc. But I feel like there is something much more direct. I am open to any and all suggestions.
Now off to file the police report. Thank you.
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