I was helping to make dinner one night last week (now that I finish work at 4:30 instead of 7. I was making chips, er, french fires, er, victory fries (can we like France now?). Anyway, with Odeliya standing on a chair watching me some oil splashed up and burned me as I dropped potatos into the frying pan. I sustained burns in the 2nd degree range and it really hurt. Odeliya spent the rest of my cooking reminding me to be careful. She was visibly upset and concerned for me.
During bedtime, when my finger still hurt, Netanel had me make a fist and bent my finger in several ways to see if I'll be okay. After his detailed axamination he said, "You'll be okay. I'm doing what you do." I thanked him for his concern and expertise. Children see and hear everything. Netanel in particular takes it all in and processes it. You never know when he'll ask a question about a conversation the adults had while he was playing in the other room. I just hope he continues to learn the right lessons.
Here's why I'm not so worried:
We don't stock candies at home. The kids are allowed to eat one if they get them at shul. The processed sugar tends to have a particularly bad effect on Netanel. On Firday night he got 2 candies. He ate one and saved one for the next day. On Shabbat morning he ate the one he saved. He also got more in shul and ate one of those (against regulations). There was a bar mitzvah this past Shabbat and many, many candies were thrown. Netanel collected 2 pockets full of candies. Many of these came from gleaning the floor int he ladies' section to get the candies that didn't quite make it over the mechitza. He did this by slithering under said mechitza (he's not close to 0% body fat). I reminded him of the importance of sharing. At the end of services he had saved one candy for himself and given the rest to friends. This includes running back inside the shul to get more candy for a friend that was crying because he didn't get any.
I am so proud of his sharing and caring. He has an amazing heart. As another example, some kids knocked on our door this evening collection money to help cancer patients. When I explained to Tani what they wanted he ran to his tzedaka box to give them the money.
Lastly, watching Netanel interact with baby Yitzchak is amazing. Tani plays with him and talks to him. He teaches the baby things and congratulated him as he succeeds in getting his fingers in his mouth. Any the baby reacts to him. He looks for his siblings' voices and gets excited when they come to play with him.
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