On Shabbat I made a siyum, a celebration of completing a section of the Torah. I finished learning the 6 sections of the Mishna. I actually had finished it on Simchat Torah, but it took until now to organize it. We did it at home on Shabbat afternoon. I managed to tie in Chanuka and Bnei Akiva, since it was Shabbat Irgun. I've already started round 2 of mishna. I started this 3 years ago. The learning is in merit good health for my family. This time around I am doing a minimum of 2 mishnayot a day, with the option of doing more. Sometimes I can squeeze in an extra mishna at work.
Speaking about Shabbat Irgun, I was very impressed with the crown here in Katzrin. Our Beit Knesset is also the Bnei Akiva (BA) headquarters and the place was packed with kids. And they were davning, not just hanging out. It's cool that so many kids are excited to be part of BA and involved in davening. After the siyum I went to mincha and the walls were shaking from the kids singing Yad Achim (the BA anthem).
In other news, Odeliya's toilet training is going well. We put here in daycare for half a day. It's a small group in a woman's house. She's amazing and Odeliya is loving it. Hopefully everything will conitnue slowly. Ayelet is enjoying here freer time. She get to play with Yitzchak more this way. We are still working on how to give Netanel and Odeliya the time they need. We're planning to do some tiyuling on Chanuka. Also, with my having Fridays off we can use some of that time too. Hopefully soon I'll have some answers about employment that will allow us to plan the near future a little better.
For now I'm looking forward to a Thanksgiving dinner tomorow night. Even though we're in Israel we still have lots to be thankful for. And this is not a bad custom to hang onto, at least for a little bit.
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