Yesterday Ayelet took the kids out so I could get some work done. First they went to play with the kittens. One of the cats here at the absorption center had kittens about 2 weeks ago. Since then playing with them has been a major activity and great motivator/bribe to get the kids to do things. Here are some pictures of the cute little furballs and the kittens, err, and the kids.
After that they came back inside. Ayelet and Netanel played a computer game, one of the more educational ones. Something clicked in Netanel's head and now he is reading. We went out to merkaz ha'ir after that and he read all the Englosh words on the bus. It was amazing. Now we need to start encrypting our secret notes.
We went up North today, just Ayelet and I (thank you Barbara for watching the kids). We checked out Katzrin to see if we should move there before moving into a yishuv. We know we want a yishuv, but it's a long process. After finding a yishuv you like you need to go through the klitah (absorption) process which includes getting accepted. Most yishuvim are low on rental properties, so we would be living somewhere else while we built our home. So we decided to move to the Golan now, since this is where we want to be.
Katzrin was appealing. Our guide, Avishai, is going to gather information on more rentals to show us. There are nice houses for rent for very cheap. We are also going to check out Chispin, which hosts the schools for the Golan yishuvim.
While I'm at it I would like to give a shout-out to Michele Kaplan-Greene at Nefesh B'Nefesh. She is extremely busy, but she has been amazingly helpful to us in our quest to settle up north. Kol hakavod to her.
Now it's time for some sleep, but keep checking for more posts, and hopefully some video.
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