Today was Israel's Memorial Day. It is a very different affair from the American version. Their are no sales to coincide with the memorials. People go to work (at least for part of the day). Everyone knows someone that died fighting for this country. It may have been in a war or from terrorism, but everyone here is connected to someone that now lies in a military cemetery. So it is a solemn day. There are 2 moments of silence, one in the evening before Memorial Day (Yom HaZicaron), and one at 11 a.m.
We did not make it to a ceremony today. There really aren't many geared for children. But we did make a point of being outside. We were on a terrace overlooking David Raziel Street in our neighborhood when the siren started. I stood there with Netanel standing at attention beside me and I thought of the boys and girls, men and women that have died. I thought of the funerals shown on the news, in pictures, on YouTube. I saw in my head the proud soldiers in neat uniforms crying on each others shoulders over the loss of a dear friend and comrade. And I cried.
When the siren started a bus winding upt he hill pulled over. On eor two other cars stopped as well. But many other cars continued on their way, most of them cabs. Maybe they were driven by Arab cab-drivers who don't care about Israel. But it made me mad. They have more freedom to drive their cabs here than they would in Jordan or Palestine. They get more rights and liberties. I don't care if one of the mourned soldiers killed their brother. Let them pull over and cry for their own family. But stop your car and pretend to show respect. That's my feeling as a proud Jew and Israeli.
We remember the fallen and hope that we need not have any more sacrifices. May God grant us peace speedily with security and faith.
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