Sitting in shul last week (I know it's overdue) something in the Torah reading hit me. There are no chidushim here. It is all based on the basic text. But it gave me chizuk, and maybe it will inspire you too.
In Devarim 30:15-16 we are told that Hashem and Moshe have put before us life and the good and death and the bad. Basically, if we follow the book that Hashem gave us, if we keep the Torah, we will get the good. If we do not keep the Torah, we will get the bad. It's just that simple. Of course, putting it into practice is not that simple, but the concept is. We also see it in the second chapter of shema that we say every day. Following the Torah gives us life and sustenance. Not following brings punishment, lack of rain, and death.
Obviously the practical application is not so easy. There are many mitzvot, tons of commandments. And it gets harder each day as the world gets more complicated. This is where the next bit of inspiration comes in. Moshe is giving his final speech to Bnei Yisrael and preparing to die. After leading the people for 40 years he is handing the reigns over to Yehoshua. Yehoshua has been second in command for a long time. He was groomed for leadership and even served as the commander of our army when Hashem told us to go fight. Yet he was unsure. Just as we are unsure now of how to follow the Torah. Just as we are not sure where we belong and what we are supposed to do. Yehoshua knew his purpose and was still scared. So Moshe told him "Chazak Ve'Amatz," Be strong and of good courage. Despite knowing his job and being prepared, Yehoshua needed support. And it happends again, Hashem also tells Yehoshua Chazal Ve'Amatz several times and promises to help him in his duties.
We should always be confident that if we keep the mitzvot and do what Hashem wants, He will help us. Hashem will show us the next step and guide us along the way.
May this year be a year of clear guidance from Above, a year when we start to fulfill our part in God's plan. A year of peace, health, happiness, wealth, success, and growth for all of Am Yisrael.
Shana Tova,
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