That's what I thought the other night as I ws looking at my newborn son. Ayelet gave birth last Wednesday afternoon to a beautiful baby boy. It was not quite the birth we expected, but after pre-term contractions and a week of start and stop labor we were happy to be done with it. We left Ziv hopsital on Thursday morning and came home to a warm welcome. Ayelet's mother had come in on Monday night and Ayelet's brother and sister had come Wednesday night with their respective spouses. When we opened the door Netanel and Odeliya were waiting for us. They melted at the sight of their new brother. We gave them each a turn to hold him right away and then shipped them off to gan.
Since then weve been pretty busy.We made a shalom zachar in our house. We ahd a nice crowd. They are not drinkers here. Very little booze was drunk. I also made a siyum, finally, on mishna seder kodshim. This was also well received. I was asked to tell the story of why we made Aliyah and how we ended up in Qaserin. This flowed into the siyum, since was the first place where I felt comfortable to do it. We have a community here.
This week we arranged the brit. Rav Levi, the Rav of Kazrin will be the mohel and other honors will be figured out tonight. We also need to pick the baby's name. We have an idea, but with Odeliyah we audibled at the last minute. So we'll see.
The brit will be at the Beit Knesset with cookies for everyone. There will also be a meal for guests at a small hall in the city. But I am still amazed at the presence of another child. I suppose I'll get used to him, since he's staying put. And he's really cute.